St. Louis foreclosures (aka REOs) often present a great opportunity to buy a home, condo, or other property at less than market value. Buying a foreclosure in St. Louis, or a St. Louis REO (Real Estate Owned by a Bank after foreclosure) is not without risk though, and is not for everyone. While not always the case, many times these homes have deferred maintenance as well as other repairs and updates needed, but can usually be purchased at a price that more than compensates for the condition.
Don't go it alone! Let us help you! One of the brokers in our firm has been involved in the acquisition of over 2,000 homes for investment with hundreds of those being foreclosures including the "real" foreclosures, houses purchased on the courthouse steps.
Let our experience help you avoid the many pitfalls and find the BEST Foreclosure deals in St Louis! Click here and let us help you
If you liked the video and want to get more in-depth advice on how to succeed in buying St Louis foreclosures Click here.